My i3wm keyboard layout


= mod button

Key combination Action
+Enter Open terminal
+q Kill current app
+space Open rofi menu
+h or + Move focus to the left
+j or + Move focus to the down
+k or + Move focus to the up
+l or + Move focus to the right
+Shift+h Move focused window to the left
+Shift+j Move focused window to the down
+Shift+k Move focused window to the up
+Shift+l Move focused window to the right
+f Toggle fullscreen
+s Set container layout to stacked
+w Set container layout to tabbed
+e Set container layout to split
+, Move workspace to left monitor
+. Move workspace to right monitor
+` Go to workspace 0
+number Go to workspace number
+- Go to workspace 11
+= Go to workspace 12
+Backspace Go to workspace 13
+z Go to workspace reserved fot Zoom
+t Go to workspace reserved for Messenger
+d Go to workspace reserved for Discord
+Shift+` Move current window to workspace 0
+Shift+number Move workspace number
+Shift+- Move workspace 11
+Shift+= Move workspace 12
+Shift+Backspace Move workspace 13
+Shift+c Reload i3wm config file
+Shift+r Restart i3wm
+Shift+e Exit i3wm

Useful command for key binding

Get key code of any keyboard button with this command:

xbindkeys --key

To find out WM_CLASS of Xserver window run this command:

xprop | grep WM_CLASS | awk '{print $4}'

and click on window in question. The WM_CLASS will be output as string into your terminal.